Helping The Community
For over 10 years, Tiger Brands has been supporting impoverished communities, providing food to over 40,000 people across South Africa every month. The Tiger Brands Socio-Economic Development (SED) strategy was revised in 2016, to shift support from philanthropy to sustainability.
In July 2017, Tiger Brands launched their Household and Community Food Garden Initiative, in partnership with Food and Trees for Africa. Through the Trees for Homes Programme, over 1,000 trees were planted in community homes within the first two months, creating a space for household food gardens.
During the same period, more than 200 community members were trained in permaculture, environmental ethics, and community education. By October 2017, 13 communities and 4 universities had communal food gardens and sustainable access to fresh food.
Tiger Brands SED: Building, Nourishing, and Nurturing sustaintainable Food Serviuce Communities.
St. John the Divine Orphans and Outreach is proud to have partnered with Tiger Brands to establish the concept of teaching communities the principles of sustainability to promote healthy communities. The video was filmed at St. John the Divine Orphans and Outreach!
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."